Posts Tagged ‘new beginnings’

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

I was sitting here tonight, contemplating an empty page. Not only an empty blog post but an empty canvas as I face a brand new year. At the beginning of 2020, I was filled with such hope and enthusiasm. I felt like 2020 was bound to be a fresh, vastly different chapter in my life and nothing could stand in my way! I was going to be bold and face the many obstacles standing between me and where I felt the Lord leading. I entered 2020 with a ferocity and faith I haven’t known in years. Little did I know, the new year would prove much more trying than I originally thought.

Truthfully, I could sit here all night and rehash the countless sorrows, hardships, trials, and disheartening events of 2020. I could spend the entire new year lamenting the difficulties of living in the middle of a pandemic (which continues to feel like it will never end). However, it is a new year. It’s time to reset my mind and my focus. It is time to once again look to the new year with renewed hope and determination. Regardless of what lies ahead, I yearn to make the most of 2021.

Every New Year’s Eve, I choose a word or short phrase that sums up the direction God is leading me towards in the new year. Last year’s phrase was “be bold” . . . something I have struggled with far too much in recent years. Anxiety, fear, and doubt have been my worst enemies lately, and I could hear the Holy Spirit repeatedly urging me to step out, let go, and break out of my comfort zone in many areas of my life. In the end, this proved extra difficult to do with the coronavirus wreaking havoc all around me. Still, I embraced this theme and accomplished multiple goals in 2020, which I originally feared would never, ever happen in my lifetime.

Now that 2020 has ended, I will continue to take this newly discovered boldness with me and build upon it. I’m eager to see what the Lord has in store for me as 2021 dawns, all shiny and new, sparkling with endless possibility! After much prayer and reflection, I have decided the theme for my life in 2021 will be “all things.” At first, “all things” seems like a strange phrase to describe a year. It is kind of vague and isn’t exactly exciting. It doesn’t conjure any spectacular mental pictures or wouldn’t inspire any awesome motivational posters. In fact, at first glance, “all things” seems pretty dull and downright confusing.

Nevertheless, “all things” is the perfect phrase for cultivating the proper attitude and perspective in 2021. And I will explain to you exactly why:

(1) All things are (and should always be placed) in God’s hands. Frankly, I worry too much. I drive myself crazy trying to always have all the answers and to handle all the chaos in life. I fight battles that, if I were honest with myself, aren’t even mine to fight. And those I should fight, I often foolishly attempt to wage on my own.

The phrase “all things” will remind me in 2021 that I’m not in this alone. God’s got this. All of this. In all actuality, He already has it all figured out and planned for. All of this stress and nonsense is unnecessary. I have an all-knowing, all-powerful, always-present, ever-loving Father right here beside me in all things. He goes before me. He has my back. He knows and plans for all of my needs. Nothing ever takes Him by surprise. I can take comfort in this as I lay all things in His very capable hands.

(2) God can use all things–good AND bad–for His glory and our betterment. Romans 8:28 (KJV) promises “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” During a year like 2020, I was tempted many times to just give up and wallow in all the negativity around me, as well as the discouragement and self pity welling up inside of me. It became easier and easier to fall for the lie that the Lord had abandoned me in the middle of my darkest hour simply because I was surrounded by difficulties in every direction.

Thankfully, though, each time I found myself wrestling with these doubts, the Holy Spirit would remind me of past difficulties in my life and how days, weeks, and even years later, I finally could see that God worked through the heartache, pain, and even trauma, and used all of it for a greater purpose. We may never completely understand nor see the big picture. But we can trust that our Heavenly Father is good and loving and, as such, will use all things for good.

(3) We should be thankful in all things. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (KJV) reminds us that : “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” I don’t know about you, but I’m not always the best at this. During the good and plentiful times, I’m always quick to thank the Lord and count my blessings. But when times get tough–I mean, really tough? Well, my first instinct is “let’s throw Amanda the biggest pity party in the history of mankind.” I mean, the why-me’s and the what-else-could-go-wrong’s come spewing out of me like you wouldn’t believe.

I’m not too proud of this side of myself. Of course, life’s been hard for me frequently over the years. As such, I have plenty to justify this attitude. But I also have just as much–actually much, much more–to be grateful for. It’s time to start pruning all of this negativity out of my life. I must start seeing all things at all times, not just the negative ones, so I can remember that I always, always, always have something to thank God for.

(4) But most importantly, we can do all things in God. As part of building my boldness in 2020, I decided to try to eat, sleep, and breathe Philippians 4:13 (KJV): “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” After years of struggling with fear, doubt, anxiety, and self image issues, I couldn’t take it anymore. I felt like there was a major disconnect between who I was and who the Lord meant me to be simply because I never felt like I was enough. I felt stuck on the outside, looking in at my own life, cut off from the full and effective existence that my Father has longed to give me for years. And I’ll readily admit that it was a cold, lonely, heart-breaking place to be.

It’s continuing to be a long battle of trying to reprogram my brain to find my worth, not in the approval of others or what I can accomplish in and of my own power, but in God and in who I am as His child. I’m a flawed human being stuck in a pretty flawed body and from a seriously flawed past. I’ll never come close to hitting the mark, let alone the unrealistic expectations that others (and even myself) have set for me. My fear, anxiety, and doubt have been partially right all along. I can’t do all things. Not on my own anyway. But I have the ultimate secret weapon: Christ! Jesus gives me everything I need to do all things. If I’m meant to do it, it’s going to happen. God’s got me. No failure, hurdle, kink in the plan, or delay is going to stop me if it’s the Lord’s plan. In Christ, I am unstoppable: I can do all things!

I hope that as 2021 unfolds before me, I will keep the phrase “all things” in the forefront of my mind. May the Lord use this theme to transform my life and to continue to heal me. I long to be close to God and to cultivate a life that is wholly centered around Him. I have no idea what 2021 may bring, but I choose to have faith and trust in my Heavenly Father. He will get me through ALL THINGS.

  • How has 2020 changed you?
  • What positive things are you taking with you into the new year?
  • What are some of the goals you hope to achieve in 2021?

© 2021 Amanda R. Dollak

happy new year text

Photo by Jill Wellington on


  • No more dieting. Eat sensibly, and no more stressing over food!
  • Get at least 20 minutes of exercise per day.
  • Eat less simple carbs and gluten.



  • Take vitamins/supplements EVERY day.
  • Take daily time out to pray / read the Bible.
  • Start a “positives” jar and write down good things that happen in 2014.
  • Write out the negatives through a new blog.
  • Make time daily to take care of myself.
  • Reinstate the “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say nothing at all” rule.



  • Write EVERY day.
  • Write at least one post per blog per week.
  • Work on getting up to 10 Bubblews posts daily.
  • Take regular time to work on novels.
  • Take more chances!



  • Read EVERY day to the kids.
  • Tuck the kids in bed EVERY night.
  • Enforce chores more.
  • Play more with the kids.
  • Yell less; love openly more.



  • Procrastinate less.
  • Continue to get more organized.
  • Continue to downsize and simplify with possessions.
  • Learn to pace myself better.
  • Create a chore schedule.
  • Start saving money each week.


© 2014 Amanda R. Dollak

silhouette photo of standing man holding camera looking at fireworks display

Photo by Rakicevic Nenad on

I know in my heart that 2014 will be a better year. No, it’s not simply wishful thinking or blind faith. Rather, I know it will be a better year because I am going to make the most of 2014 — good OR bad. It’s going to be an awesome year because I’m going to do my best to make it that way.

Looking back through the almost 30 years I’ve been on this earth, I can see a lot of darkness, pain, and ugliness. I survived it all, so I can survive anything. God gives me the strength to keep on going, no matter how difficult life gets. Despite my past and the fact that I have chronic illnesses that make me hurt 24/7, I can honestly say that I am happier now than I have ever been.

I have faith that it will keep getting better, too. I’m learning more and more how to forgive, to move on, and to let all the negative emotions go. Each year, my soul is a little lighter and my heart is a little happier. I don’t know if I’ll ever wake up and feel like everything is perfect, but who really cares? I don’t! Life is a beautiful, amazing, and good gift from the Lord — and I’m learning to appreciate that more as I slowly let the negativity fall away. I’m learning that with the right focus and with unwavering determination, we can find peace, joy, and contentment even amidst the worst of storms.


© 2014 Amanda R. Dollak