Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

man in blue and brown plaid dress shirt touching his hair

Photo by Nathan Cowley on


May was an extra tough month for me. The coronavirus pandemic drastically threw my world and daily life into pure pandemonium. Although I arose to face this turmoil and still accomplished quite a bit last month, I’m ashamed to say that I also spent far too much of my precious time stressing and being overwhelmed. I can’t imagine what I might have accomplished if I hadn’t allowed myself to get sidetracked so frequently by worry. That’s why I have decided it’s time to turn over a new leaf and set some new goals for June.

Overall, I aim to cut back drastically on my worrying. I admit that I am a worrywart by nature. When I get stressed and overwhelmed or too many things start going wrong, worry creeps up on me and my mind gets filled with what-if’s and why-me’s. Eventually, I get so caught up in all the negativity and bad possibilities that I shut down. I get stuck in a worry mire and get nowhere. Nothing good comes from it. I’m only left drained of precious energy, time, and sanity.

Instead, I promise to build healthier habits. From now on, I will try to stop, walk away for a moment, take a break, and then calmly find a strategy to deal with the problem or circumstances.

1) I will take a deep breath and pray. I need a clear head and a strong foundation from which to address the issue.

2) I will assess the situation: is it really as bad as my first reaction? What is really happening?

3) I will clearly list all the problems that are arising, so I can plainly see what obstacles I must overcome.

4) I will prioritize the problems and choose which issue to address first.

5) I will determine what type of issue it might be: is it out of my control, something that I can fix on my own, or a problem that will require outside guidance and/or help?

6) I will calmly evaluate my options and create a decisive plan.

7) Finally I will move on to the next problem on my list and go through the above steps until I have either solved each issue, put a possible solution in motion, or let go of the ones that are out of my hands.

Problems and stress are a part of life, but that doesn’t mean I have to be paralyzed by them. I vow to stop giving bad circumstances, complications, and hurdles the power to hijack my life. From now on, I promise to try to put every ounce of energy that I’ve been wasting on excessive worrying into praying and then dealing with my problems instead.


© 2020 Amanda R. Dollak
quote calligraphy under cup of lemon tea

Photo by Dominika Roseclay on


I’ve had to take a break from writing. Although it drives me mad when I go too long without writing, I decided that a mini vacation from typing behind my computer was a must. My body has taken far too much abuse lately and required a rest.

(1) Too little sleep and too much cheating on my diet was making me swell up like a balloon. I was a bad, bad girl the last couple months. I was getting 3-4 hours of sleep a night. I was chowing down on far too many salty foods. And my water consumption became quite pitiful. As a result, I had to spend much of last week in bed, resting and drinking up to 11 cups of water per day.

(2) Almost two weeks ago, I managed to sprain my right wrist. I wasn’t being careful and was in too much of a hurry. I slipped on the ice while moving our giant trash can. I ended up tipping the heavy thing over suddenly…and it took my wrist and hand with it. At first, I tried to push through the pain, stiffness, and swelling, but my stubbornness only compounded the problem.

(3) I’ve been slacking off with my vitamins and supplements again. Since I have severe fibromyalgia, the only thing standing between me and being stuck in bed is a better lifestyle. And one of the major pieces of that better lifestyle is taking my vitamins and supplements. Of course, I got myself so busy that I kept forgetting them time and again. Before I knew it, I hadn’t taken them in nearly two weeks–and I was definitely feeling the effects. I was feeling quite miserable actually.

Although nothing could ever change the fact that I’m a writer to the core, my personal well being comes before even my love and passion for words. I have had to remind myself that if I don’t take good care of myself, I won’t have the chance to keep writing. At the very least, I’ll end up too sick to concentrate and function. At the worst, I might cut my writing career abruptly short by killing myself with my bad habits. I want to keep this body healthy and happy, so I can write for many, many years to come!


© 2014 Amanda R. Dollak