There Is Never Enough Time in the Day

Posted: June 5, 2020 in Family, Inside the Brain of a Writer, Life, Writing
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man standing beside his wife teaching their child how to ride bicycle
Photo by Agung Pandit Wiguna on

Have you ever noticed that no matter how much we try to organize, schedule, and cut out the fluff, there still is never enough time in the day? I am a wife, the mother of two teenagers, the servant of a household of cats, the companion of a dog with boundless energy, a freelance writer, and the cook, maid, organizer, and (oftentimes) krazy glue of our home. It doesn’t take long before the end of the day creeps up on me (or in this case of this past week, the dawn).

All the time management experts offer tons of tips on how we can better utilize our time every day. They claim that if you organize your life and find the areas where you are wasting your time, you will eventually have plenty of time during your day. However, I don’t think they were talking about stay-at-home mothers who also strive to work from home and who love to bite off far more than they can chew.

It doesn’t matter how much I reorganize and cut; there simply isn’t enough time in a 24-hour period. I almost never get to watch TV. I don’t play video games (except a little online or phone app play as the occasional break). Every time I am on the phone, I am doing a million other things. I even try to limit my social media and internet time these days. And sleep? I’m definitely nowhere near overdoing that!

I multitask my multitasking. I eat breakfast and lunch while I am doing something else. I scrub with both hands. I wash dishes and laundry simultaneously. Without running myself ragged and driving myself crazy, there is no way I can squeeze any more minutes out of my day. It just isn’t humanly possible.

Yet, I don’t mind so much. I do hate when I don’t get everything finished on my daily to-do list. I’m a perfectionist and love to push myself hard. However, I can’t complain too much. My life is full and happy. There is never a dull moment.

To be completely honest, I wouldn’t survive most days without a healthy dose of prayer and plenty of help from the Lord. However, I still wouldn’t have it any other way. I love my family. I love the life that God has blessed me with. I certainly still have much to learn about patience and prioritizing, but overall, I love working hard for my family and challenging myself daily to grow closer to the person the Holy Spirit is leading me to be. I thank God every day to be alive, and I hope to never take a single new day for granted.

© 2020 Amanda R. Dollak

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